Team Games

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Carnuss, Dec 23, 2011.

Team Games

  1. Carnuss

    Carnuss New Member

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Rushing can be very effective in in Team Games. Massing Units, Meeting, and Moving Out at 5mins, 6mins, or 7mins usually. This means that if your opponent sends one army it'll be wasted, if they Fast Expand, or Tech Up, they'll be leaving themselves vulnerable, especially if a Team of armies attack one point at the same time.

    As Terran Pushing with Mass Marines with rax while moving onto conc' Mauraders or siege Tanks, Expanding, etc.

    As Zerg Pushing with Mass Speedlings while moving onto Roaches, Expanding, etc.

    As Protoss Pushing with Mass Zealots with 2 or 3 gateways while Teching, Expanding, etc.

    Your team should be putting constant pressure on the enemy. If the pressure stops, fall back, and Regroup. Mass more Units, Upgrades, Tech, Buildings, while Securing Expansion. Then Deny enemy Expanions and Push again.